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The Cure of Ignorance is to Question. MUHAMMAD (PBUH)


How to monitor a remote Windows host using Nagios?

Edit windows.cfg

It is a sample cfg file and have lot of stuff for understanding.

[you@yourmachine  nagios] vi /etc/nagios/objects/windows.cfg

# Last Modified: XXXX
# NOTES: This config file assumes that you are using the sample configuration
#    files that get installed with the Nagios quickstart guide.


# Define a host for the Windows machine we’ll be monitoring
# Change the host_name, alias, and address to fit your situation

define host{
use      windows-server   ; Inherit default values from a template
host_name   my_windows_hostname   ; The name we’re giving to this host
alias      My Windows Laptop   ; A longer name associated with the host
address   ; IP address of the host


# Define a hostgroup for Windows machines
# All hosts that use the windows-server template will automatically be a member of this group

#define hostgroup{
#   hostgroup_name   windows-servers   ; The name of the hostgroup
#   alias      Windows Servers   ; Long name of the group
#   }

# No need to define at this stage as I have already define in hostgroup.cfg file but can start a newhostgroup by removing comment “#” from the beginning of definition.


# Create a service for monitoring the version of NSCLient++ that is installed
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
use         generic-service
host_name      My_windows_hostname
service_description   NSClient++ Version
check_command      check_nt!CLIENTVERSION

# Create a service for monitoring the uptime of the server
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
use         generic-service
host_name      My_windows_hostname
service_description   Uptime
check_command      check_nt!UPTIME

# Create a service for monitoring CPU load
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
use         generic-service
host_name      My_windows_hostname
service_description   CPU Load
check_command      check_nt!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90

# Create a service for monitoring
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
use         generic-service
host_name      My_windows_hostname
service_description   Memory Usage
check_command      check_nt!MEMUSE!-w 80 -c 90

# Create a service for monitoring C: disk usage
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
use         generic-service
host_name      My_windows_hostname
service_description   C: Drive Space
check_command      check_nt!USEDDISKSPACE!-l c -w 80 -c 90

# Create a service for monitoring the W3SVC service
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
use         generic-service
host_name      My_windows_hostname
service_description   W3SVC
check_command      check_nt!SERVICESTATE!-d SHOWALL -l W3SVC

# Create a service for monitoring the Explorer.exe process
# Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above

define service{
use         generic-service
host_name      My_windows_hostname
service_description   Explorer
check_command      check_nt!PROCSTATE!-d SHOWALL -l Explorer.exe

Now windows.cfg is ready you can verify the configuration by issue the command.

[you@yourmachine  nagios] nagios -v nagios.cfg

If no error found it is perfect for the moment.

Muhammad Shaukat

Content Developer at LearnAcad.com

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