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Greencloud: The Green Cloud Simulator

Greencloud is a sophisticated packet-level simulator for energy-aware cloud computing data centers with a focus on cloud communications. It offers a detailed fine-grained modeling of the energy consumed by the data center IT equipment, such as computing servers, network switches, and communication links.

GreenCloud can be used to develop novel solutions in monitoring, resource allocation, workload scheduling as well as optimization of communication protocols and network infrastructures. It can simulate existing data centers, guide capacity extension decisions as well as help to design future data center facilities.

GreenCloud, released under the General Public License Agreement, is an extension of the well-known NS2 network simulator. About 80 percent of GreenCloud code is implemented in C++, while the remaining 20 percent is in the form of Tool Command Language (TCL) scripts.

source: http://greencloud.gforge.uni.lu/


Muhammad Shaukat

Content Developer at LearnAcad.com

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