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The Cure of Ignorance is to Question. MUHAMMAD (PBUH)


General Virtualization-VMware Interview Questions


  1. What was the most difficult VMWare related problem/issue you faced in a production environment and what were the specific steps you took to resolve it?
  2. When was the last time you called VM Support and what was the issue?
  3. What was the most performance intensive production app that you supported in VMWare and what were the some of the challenges that it posed?
  4. How would you determine that a perf intensive app is a good candidate?  Spefically what tools would you use to identify candidates. Specifically inside those tools what metrics would you use?
  5. What is yor philosphy on how much of the data center can be virtualized?  (If the interviewer wants max virutalization,  but the interviewee is not convinced that this is a good idea,  this could be a deal breaker)
  6. What is your opinion on the virtualization vendors (MS vs VM vs Citrix vs etc) and why?  (Just trying to figure out if the candidate is keeping up with this ever changing virtualization market)

Muhammad Shaukat

Content Developer at LearnAcad.com

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